Why Assisted Living Doesn’t Deserve the Bad Rap It Gets From the Press


Long-term skilled nursing care

It can be tough for both parents and children to make the decision to enter assisted living for seniors. Even if the parent is still fully functioning and able to take care of themselves, independent living communities can still sometimes be the best option for them to interact with others, partake in various activities, and have an independent lifestyle with the assurance that help is always nearby, should something occur. It can be scary for both parties if they live in an isolated area without many neighbors or someone checking in on them regularly, especially if an accident should happen. With an assisted living community, there are all types pf community members, from independent living seniors to skilled nursing care. Assisted living can also offer more amenities, activities, and outings than living alone could provide. It’s a great option for a person whose spouse has died or they’re separated from and whose family doesn’t live in the area.
What’s Assisted Living Versus Independent Living?
There are of course different levels of senior living options, from retirement communities to communities devoted towards assisted or skilled nursing living. In many cases, independent living situations offer bedroom units that come with appliances, storage areas, and garages. It’s like having your own home, except there’s a little more structure and there are other people around the same age nearby.
Assisted living areas have private rooms and suites for seniors who need just a little more help with their day to day living. Meals and transportation are usually provided and if necessary, a medication regimen, and help with bathing or dressing. There’s more staff involvement with those in assisted living than with independent living, but not so much as if your parent was with skilled nursing.
Why Should My Family Be Looking Into Assisted Living for Seniors?
Many seniors explore assisted living for seniors as an elder care option, because many worry about being a burden on their families. Genworth Financial did a recent study that showed over half of the survey respondents said their greatest fear about getting a long-term illness was becoming a burden — they were five times more concerned about that than dying!
Children can often worry that their parents are isolated or not socially stimulated enough, especially if they now live alone. Almost 75% of assisted living members are female and just over 25% are male. The ProMatura Group, LLC released a report in 2009 about independent living and cited that members of an independent living retirement community were more prone to making new friends and trying new things as part of such a community. Most had a better time than they had initially anticipated.
If a parent needs help with dressing and bathing or has a certain long term illness, it can be tough to give him or her the care they need and deserve. Many children can feel guilty about not visiting enough or not having enough time and energy to devote to their parent. Assisted living can help take the strain off the relationship and let both parties be more comfortable. Over 75% of residents in assisted living had high blood pressure or Alzheimer’s disease (or some other form of dementia). With assisted living, care is around 24/7 to respond to your parents’ needs. Over 3/5 of assisted living residents needed help with over three daily activities; getting dressed and bathing were top among those.
Can My Parent Really Have Better Quality of Life With Assisted Living for Seniors?
Your parent can have an amazing experience with assisted living for seniors. There’s 24 hour supervision, daily cleaning, and three meals a day (and usually snacks) provided — no more cooking or cleaning for Mom and Dad! Health care services, personal care (like beauticians or hairdressers), social services, transportation, laundry, and medication management are also included in assisted living care. Their life can be made so much easier and more pleasant with all these amenities!
Talk with your parent today about assisted living options. You both may be amazed at the changes that are in store for you!

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