Thinking About Donating Clothes? Here’s What You Need to Know


Lightly used clothing

Donating clothes is one of the easiest and most important things you can do to give back to your community. When it comes to getting rid of your old threads, there seems to be some misconceptions that cause some to donate less than they should. Consider these quick facts about donating and make sure you don’t fall into the trap of making it more difficult than it has to be.

    You don’t need to leave your house to donate. In the fast-paced world we find ourselves in, some people don’t have the time to find a local charitable organization to donate used clothes. However, there is a solution; donating clothes is as easy as opening the front door and leaving them on the porch. It’s easy to find charities that will pick up donations near you. A recent survey found that over half of those who donate take advantage of donation pickup. All you have to do is put your donations in a box, leave it outside, and the rest is taken care of for you.

    You may be donating to someone you never knew needed help. The most common misconception of people who don’t donate is that their charitable donations are going to support an ulterior motive of some sort. This couldn’t be further from the truth. In fact, there are good odds that you know the recipient of your donations personally. There is a new victim of fraud and stolen identity ever 42 seconds in America, and the homeless rate continues to rise. Many people are ashamed to ask for help and your donations give them anonymous, meaningful support that will help change their lives.

    People like you are the most important part of donating. Another misconception of charities is that they are all funded by major corporations who make up the bulk of donations. In 2013, only about 5% of all charitable donations were from corporations, while individuals gave over $240 billion, accounting for 72% of all donations. Make a point of donating clothes instead of letting them sit in your closet. An occasional corporate donation helps, but you are the primary backbone of support for the people in your community.

Donating has never been easier and there is no longer an excuse to hold on to lightly used clothing that you never wear anymore. Do something for the less fortunate in your community and donate today.

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