What would your dream neighborhood be like? Do you want to be part of a self-sustaining community that has a group vision to protect and preserve natural habitats? Would like to be part of a group of home owners who are all willing to work toward a common good?
Conner Preserve is one example of a self-sustaining community. It is a natural area in central Pasco County, Florida, that has been known for its preservation and water management since 2003. The landscape in this area includes steep sandhill ridges, marshes, cypress sloughs, and pine tree flatwoods. Even though this self-sustaining community has some very common goals it is made up of single family homes with yards and walkways that are maintained by individual owners.
What to Look for In a Planned Community:
- Be sure to check with the designer or architect and ask to view future plans for the community. You need to understand what the community will look like in the future, not just what it looks like today.
- Many master planned communities utilize undeveloped territory but also plan to include all necessities. For example, is there access to transportation, schools, healthcare and nearby recreation and retail?
- Visit several times and notice how well open spaces are designed and maintained. Are you happy with what you see and the upkeep?
- Talk to as many local homeowners as possible. Ask them if they are happy with their decision to make this community their home.
- Ask current residents what social activities, events and outlets are available.
If you are checking out the real estate market for a new home, you might want to consider more than the usual amenities that many home owners ask about. While you may be interested in storage, space, and appliances as a new home buyer, you might want to spend just as much time thinking about the community where you will live. Doesn’t it make sense to spend as much time figuring out transportation options to schools and shopping as you spend planning the laundry room that 89% of all homeowners wanted in the year 2013?
While a recent survey indicated that 1,500 of the Millennials looking to purchase homes, 66% of them preferred suburban locations, doesn’t it make sense to find out if you have the option of living in a planned community as well? Even the 24% of buyers who prefer rural locations and the 10% who prefer to live in the central part of metro areas should spend time considering what kind of community your family might enjoy.