Did you know that long distance moving follows death and divorce as the third most stressful life experience? Between hiring the right long distance movers, notifying all parties of your new address, and packing your life away, it’s only natural that this experience is more stressful than a major illness, or a layoff. Long distance […]
Don’t Forget to Childproof Your Bathroom
Planning a bathroom remodeling project? Whether it’s for guests or kids, creating a functional and stylish space is key. Explore these ideas for transforming your spear bathroom into a welcoming, versatile area for everyone. guest/kids bathroom ideas are plentiful if you know where to look! For a kids bath, prioritize fun yet practical designs. Consider […]
Two Ways to Keep Your Air Conditioner Working Properly
Did you know that 85% of all homes in the Southern United States have central air conditioning installed? However, central air conditioning systems sometimes suffer from problems that cause them to stop working, such as leaks in coolant hoses. As a result, it is important to perform the proper air conditioning repair and maintenance whenever […]
Shoji Screens for sliding glass doors have a long history of creating unique look in rooms throughout homes. Today, this intriguing design is being used all over the world. A sliding shoji screen can be the perfect design element to make your home look more modern. Shoji screes have a long history of being used […]
Seven Fascinating Facts About the Water You Drink
Water is vital for a number of different bodily functions. According to WebMD, it helps maintain proper levels of all body fluids, better control calories you take in, energizes muscles, keeps skin looking and feeling healthy, assists your kidneys, and maintain normal bowel functions. But though getting a drink of water is easy for the […]
Three Things Every Family Needs to Understand About Hiring a Nanny
According to recent numbers from the Bureau of Labor Statistics, there are over half a million childcare workers in North America, and a large portion of those are nannies. Nanny work and caregiving work is generally safe from the receding employment trends of certain industries (like the housing market, for example) because of how it […]