Sleeping at night can be a real nightmare for some. Not everyone sleeps at night. In fact, most people suffer from one ailment or another that keeps them from having a good night’s sleep. There can be underlying health issues, sleeping disorders, mental disorders, and even just moderate to severe pain. Some people may have […]
Heat Remediation to Kill Bed Bugs
Bed bugs can be a pain in the butt — literally. These blood-suckers crawl out of their hiding places at night and feed off of your blood in your own bed. These pests can lay anywhere from one to five eggs in a single day, which is more than 500 in a lifetime. It is […]
Shoji Screens in Modern Interior Design
Custom Shoji screens are products for doorways, window treatments, room dividers, and closets, as well as much more. Custom Shoji screens can be made for single sided applications. This includes closets and window treatments. You can get Shoji screens custom sized and there are a variety of design options. Shoji room dividers are great because […]
When to Hire a Property Management Company
As a landlord, one of your biggest decisions will be whether or not to hire a property management company to help maintain your property. Although many landlords do end up managing their own property without professional help, if you are new to the property rental business or you have too many properties to maintain by […]
How To Get the Best Night Sleep Every Night
Are you having a hard time falling asleep or staying asleep? Do you wake up unrested and in pain? It is no surprise when the National Sleep Foundation is reporting that chronic pain is more often than not associated with insomnia. With up to 90% of the population in this country suffering from neck and […]
There is a great deal of research confirming that numerous people in the U.S. experience poor sleep due to medical concerns. For example, the American Chiropractic Association has determined that between 80 and 90% of Americans suffer from back pain, half of all American adults experience chronic pain, and that back or neck pain, TMJ, […]