These days, smart technology isn’t just for phones — your own furnace and home air conditioning systems could soon be powered with these innovations, and the benefits these “smart vents” have for heating and cooling systems are truly revolutionary. According to a January 8 Consumer Reports article, smart vents such as the Keen Home Smart […]
Three Easy Tips for Cleaning a Garden Shed
The best thing about sheds and garages is that they create an interior space outside of the home for additional use, but the worst thing about them is that they can quickly become cluttered, dirty, and hard to use, especially garden sheds. Here are three tips for cleaning them. 1. Clean and Repair The first […]
Three Things to Ask a Prospective Moving Company
If you’re moving to a new apartment or house, you’re going to need the expertise of a moving company, and you want to find the best ones available nearby. Therefore, you should ask them certain things before hiring them to ensure that they’re top-of-the-line moving and labor services. Moving can be an exhausting endeavor, and […]
Do Unto Others Donating Clothes For Those in Need
“Then the King will say to those on his right, ‘Come, you who are blessed by my Father; take your inheritance, the kingdom prepared for you since the creation of the world. For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was […]
How TV Remotes Changed Broadcasting Forever
We’ve come such a long way since the days of the Lazy Bones and Flashmatic that we often take for granted just how much impact the first TV remote controls had on the public. The first TV remote controls did much more than cause people to shield their remotes from sunlight and instill chronic fear […]
How to Replace Your Remote Control in Four Simple Steps
The earliest TV remote controls were connected to the television by a wire, but now that we’ve got the convenience of wireless remotes, we have another problem. There are almost three remotes per household in the US, and the average TV watcher will spend two weeks looking for remote controls in their lifetime. Look for […]