How to Find the Best Preschool for Your Child


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Choosing a preschool for your child is a big decision. It is the first time that they will be away from home, without you. It is the first time they will be exposed to a school setting. It is the first place they will learn valuable social and academic lessons. Preschool can really shape a child?s educational and life route. It is important to choose a preschool that fits with your child?s individual needs and one that you, as a parent, are comfortable and confident in. Consider the following things when choosing the best preschool for your child.

Ask for referrals. Happy parents tend to refer their preschool to others. If they are satisfied with the school?s teachers, activities, and procedures, they will let others know. If you are wondering how to find a preschool with great reviews for your child, simply ask! Ask amongst your other parent friends. Ask amongst your friends in the educational fields, and you are sure to find a preschool that is great.

Choose something local. Although the location of the preschool that you choose should not be the only important factor, it is an important part of the choosing process. You will need to drop and pick up your child on a daily basis. You may want to check on your child throughout the day. Your child may need to come home sick, and you will want to get them quick. Most parents are satisfied when their child?s preschool is within close distance to their home.

Inquire about daily activities. What will your child be doing all day? Will they simply be left in a room to do as they wish? Will they be provided with educational activities that will prepare them for kindergarten? This is one of the most important parts of the decision. When you are wondering how to find a preschool, inquire about daily activities and educational programs.

Question summer policies. Long breaks can confuse children. Younger children are more likely to forget everything they learned in preschool over long, summer breaks. Inquire if your preschool program provides any educational programs or summer camps over the break. According to research by the American Camp Association (ACA), 63% of children who learn new activities at camp will sustain an interest in those activities after camp is over. Also, attending a summer camp or a summer educational program over the months between preschool and kindergarten can better prepare the child for the more traditional education of kindergarten.

Choose between public and private preschool. Both types of preschool programs have their advantages. When figuring out how to find a preschool, you will need to evaluate the pros and cons of the private school education. Private schools tend to have smaller class sizes, which is important to some parents. Approximately 36% of private schools averaged student teacher ratios of 10 to 1 or lower, compared to 10% for public schools. About 30% of the county?s 3 and 4 year olds are enrolled in private school preschools and childcare centers.

Visit your preschool choice before enrollment. After you have done your research and chosen a preschool for your child, you will want to make a visit before enrollment. Simply basing your choice on friend?s reviews and the location of the preschool is not enough. Most parents can get a better understanding of a preschool by visiting the school and talking with your child?s teachers.

Many parents struggle with figuring out how to find a preschool. There are many requirements and benefits of preschool. A child?s preschool education sets them up with the academic and social skills that they will need for further years of education. A parent should ask for referrals, visit potential preschool programs, inquire about daily activities and procedures, and develop a summer learning plan. Following these steps will ensure that your child is prepared for preschool and that you are confident with your decision in their preschool location.

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