How Donating to Charity Can Teach You and Your Family About Supporting a New Cause


Purple heart donations

Most people aren’t aware of it, but there are often others right in their own communities who could use some help. Whether they need to escape from poverty and homelessness or just make ends meet for the month, someone somewhere may need the support of others. Unfortunately, many people don’t know where to start donating to charity or are unaware of the many causes that need their support.

Why is it so vital to support charities in you area with clothing donations, household item donations, volunteer work, and more? Here are some of the reasons why you and your family should consider donating to a worthwhile local cause.

Learn about a new cause. These days there are charity foundations for just about everything so long as there’s a need for it. If you have an idea of the kinds of organizations you’d like to support, such as wounded veterans charities or children’s education programs, then start there. If not, however, feel free to explore the many causes in your area and maybe even find something new. For instance, if you’ve never worked with wounded veterans charities before, then you might find out more about helping military families and learn about the issues facing wounded veterans today. With this knowledge, you can encourage others to support that cause, too.

Teach your children about helping others. Children need to learn important lessons about sharing and saying “please” and “thank you” early, so why not teach them about charity, as well? Choose a cause that your children will understand, and pick one where they may even see the impact of there volunteerism or charitable donations. For instance, if they serve food at a local homeless shelter, then they will see people in need getting something to eat. Donating clothing to wounded veterans charities can show them how others are helped by used clothing donations, and some veterans even work in programs to give them the chance for steady employment. These are lessons that kids can learn and understand about helping others.

Improve your mental, physical, and spiritual health when you donate to charity. Charity work isn’t just good for your community and the planet — it even helps you. Research shows that many people feel better when they help others, especially through acts of charity. Those who are religious or spiritual in any way may also feel a greater connection to others when they donate. If you’re volunteering or even gathering clothing and household item donations for your local charity pick ups, then you’re also getting some needed physical activity, too.

What are you looking for when you donate to a charity? Which causes do you support? Tell us in the comments below.

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