The United States is seeing a rapid increase in its aging population. In fact, it’s estimated a solid 20% of the country will be over the age of 65 over the next two decades. This means more families than ever are having discussions about the early detection of dementia and Alzheimer’s disease. Many individuals, however, aren’t sure what they’re up against. There are a lot of common misconceptions about the nature of dementia, the function of Alzheimer care homes and what options are currently available. Rather than crossing your fingers and hoping for the best, educate yourself and your family on assisted living and learn about how you can encourage a higher quality of life for your loved one.
Below are the most common questions concerning dementia long term care facilities, to better help you and your family prepare for the new road ahead.
What Is Alzheimer’s Disease?
Learning about Alzheimer’s Disease is the first step toward providing your loved one with the resources they need to be properly cared for in the future. Alzheimer’s disease is a form of dementia that often strikes in a person’s retirement years, the only top 10 cause of death in the United States that is unable to be slowed down, cured or prevented. It can, however, be managed with around-the-clock care and consistent social and medical support.
What Are The Early Signs Of Alzheimer’s Disease?
It can be difficult to know whether or not your family member is displaying signs of the disease or just having a less-than-stellar week. Consistent patterns, however, should be taken seriously. Common signs of Alzheimer’s disease (or another form of dementia) include short-term memory loss, long-term memory loss, mood swings, mobility issues, loss of basic motor skills, sudden dizziness and trouble walking.
What Causes Dementia?
Ongoing scientific studies are still trying to determine the root cause of Alzheimer’s disease and dementia today. The most significant contributor to dementia is the natural process of aging causing the brain to deteriorate over time, depriving the human body of the cells it needs to function properly. Those with a family history of dementia have a higher chance of developing dementia themselves in their later years. As of now Alzheimer’s is the sixth leading cause of death in the country.
What Is An Assisted Living Home?
There are multiple resources for you to turn to should you find yourself in the difficult position of confronting dementia. An assisted living home (with specialties called Alzheimer care homes or dementia long term care facilities) is a community that provides regular care and support for those living with the onset of dementia. Assisted living residences will coordinate 24-hour supervision, three square meals and a wide variety of services to encourage as much independence as possible.
What Amenities Do Assisted Living Homes Provide?
Some people are concerned about the ability of Alzheimer care homes to provide their family member with the support and healthy lifestyle they need to function. The majority of assisted living residents (around three-fourths, according to a recent study) have received assistance with three or more activities involving daily living. This includes bathing, dressing and washing. Assisted living homes will also provide medication management, social services and travel.
Does My Loved One Need An Assisted Living Home?
Knowing whether or not you should look into Alzheimer care homes depends on a few factors. A doctor’s diagnosis is the only surefire way of determining if your loved one will need ongoing care, though consistent portrayal of the more common symptoms should have you looking at care options for Alzheimers patients in your area. It can be a troubling transition to make, but more often than not new patients are pleasantly surprised by what they find. A 2009 Independent Living Report provided by the ProMatura Group found recent retirement home members making more new friends and trying more new things than they ever did before.
A little knowledge goes a long way. Talk with your loved one today and see how you can help them make the transition from one stage of life to the next.