The winter holiday season between Thanksgiving and the end of December is the busiest time of year for charities and organizations that help military families and veterans. During this hectic time, these organizations often receive an influx of charitable donations, ranging from gently-used clothing donations, non-perishable food items, household goods and appliances, and even used vehicles. However, bow that the near year is underway, it’s important to remember that the hard work has just begun.
Veterans and military families need help all year round, not just during the holidays. What better way to kick off the new year than to start by giving to a great cause? Even if you’re short on time, there are several easy ways of helping military families and veterans in your area and beyond.
The first few weeks of the new year have been bitterly cold, with the entire nation experiencing record low temperatures in the single digits. Now more than ever, veterans clothing donations are essential, especially for homeless veterans. Cold weather and outerwear clothing items such as jackets, gloves, hats, and scarves are in demand.
In addition to outerwear, gently-used professional attire are excellent veterans clothing donations. Veterans typically experience much higher rates of unemployment compared to civilians. In addition, professional or business-casual clothing can be more expensive than everyday, casual wear, which makes these kinds of donations that much more important.
Short on time? No problem. There are a number of organizations that pick up veterans clothing donations right from the convenience of your home or work. You can schedule a pick up time, or simply leave the donations outside on the designated pick up day. Also, there are a number of drop off bins conveniently located that allow you to drop off clothing donations while running errands.
If you don’t have clothing to donate, donating your time is also an excellent way to give back to the veteran and military community. You can choose to plan or organize donations and events, cook or serve a meal, or simply spend time with a veteran and play a game of checkers.
Regardless of how you choose to give back, all efforts can and do make a big difference in the lives of those that need them.