They Stood Up for Our Country, Now Stand up For Them


Donating clothing to charity

Clothing donations today are as important as ever. Families in our Country are struggling to make ends meet, which is only compounded by a slow economy and tough job market. Comfortable families who can give clothing donations are more important than they realize.

Given the tough job market we are facing today as civilians, its even tougher for veterans. Vets have an unemployment rate of about 7%, 2% above the national average for regular citizens. And for vets between the ages of 18-24, the unemployment rate was 20.4% in 2012, nearly quadruple the national unemployment average at the time.

Donating clothing to charity is a small contribution you can make to organizations that help military families. Every time you go to throw away your old jeans or sneakers, just stop and remember how they can be so much more useful to a family in need than sitting in a landfill.

The recovery rate through clothing donations in 2011 was only about 5.3% in the US, but with the textile recycling industry accounting for nearly 17,000 jobs throughout the United States, the booming industry suggests a major rift. When you donate clothes at your local donation pick up location you are helping fill this void, giving disabled veterans donations needed to ease the burden they face.

With nearly 99% of the clothing thrown away in great condition for recycling/reuse, members of our society can do much more to donate and support the needy and less fortunate. Clothing donations pick up locations are readily available across the Country for you to contribute rather than waste your unwanted clothing. Just because it’s old to you doesn’t mean it’s old to a family in need. More on this.

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