Updated 4/12/23
Education is a basic part of a successful and satisfactory life for the most part. This is why you need to make sure that you give your children the best possible education. To do so, you may do well to find them private prep tutoring before you enroll them in a good private or international school.
You can check online to see the best private school websites so as to learn about their requirements and find out if they can work well for your child’s needs. While looking for answers online, you should also check for details like “what’s a prep school?” and “what age does boarding school start?”
The more you know, the better the process can go for you. You’ll also have a good chance of learning as much as you can about the best route to take to give your child a good chance at life. This way, you may make the right call. Talk to parents who have their children in prep school so that you can get some insights from them. This will go a long way towards helping you make the right call. Talk to your child as well so that you can involve them in the decision-making to some extent.

There are a variety of benefits for students that attend preparatory schools, especially when they’re private. These schools tend to have computer labs, personal tablets, digital textbooks, and other essential tools available for their students. They also offer more extracurricular and enrichment activities than their public counterparts.
Since more parents are recognizing the benefits of prep schools to prepare their children for post-secondary institutions, it’s not surprising that 25% of all schools throughout the United States are private. This points to the growing demand for educational programs that prepare students for both college and beyond.
The counselors at private schools spend a large percentage of their time focusing on college-related counseling. These counselors spend approximately 55% of their time evaluating and advising students. In addition to guiding them to explore their college and university options, they also provide students with important career information and recommendations. Public high school counselors, however, reported that they spend just 22% of their time focusing on this type of counseling.
Since they receive expert guidance and attention, more private high school graduates apply to and attend four-year postsecondary institutions than their public school counterparts. When comparing non-parochial private high school graduates with public high school graduates, about 95% of the former, and 49% of the latter attend these institutions of higher learning. One of the reasons for this is that private high school students tend to earn higher scores on their Scholastic Achievement Tests (SAT).
According to recent figures, the national average for private school SAT scores is about 1235. When taking all schools within the United States into consideration, however, the national average is 1060. Given that these scores can make a difference in whether or not a student is accepted into a college or university, it’s important to consider the benefits of prep schools in this regard.
If you’re wondering whether or not to enroll your high school student in a public or private school, take a moment to consider the differences between these two very different academic environments. Since you want your child to have the best possible education to prepare for their future, visit a local private high school to learn more about their academic curriculum and culture.