Each year there are countless American citizens that will make the biggest decision of their lifetimes. No, not marriage, not having kids, and not even buying a new car, none of those are important as the following decision. Where are you going to live? Now, this decision is not going to be a permanent home for the rest of your life in every scenario, but instead, it could even be picking your next home where you want to live for a few years or relocating for a new job. Picking a new home is not easy and there are so many factors that will play into what house you pick.
For instance, Harris Poll for the National Association of Landscape Professionals conducted a survey amongst 2,034 United States adults over the age of 18. This survey revealed that about three-quarters of Americans, about 75%, feel that it is very important that they spend some of their time outside in their yards. This is one factor that plays into the decision of living in different communities. Also, about 83% of Americans believe that their yard is important and 90% of those people also believe that their yard needs to be well-maintained as this is very important. The last stat I will mention in this paragraph, a 2016 survey by the National Association of Homebuilders found that about 90% of respondents stated that an essential and desirable feature that they want in their home involves Energy Star appliances. Here are some other ways you can assure to make the right decision in regards to the communities you choose to live in.
Know The Market, Know Your Value, and Know What You Want
Yes, this advice seems redundant on a surface level for those people who are looking to purchase a new home. Of course, if you are going out to look at houses for sale and looking to have a home of your own, you may already understand what you want from the communities around you and the house you are going to purchase. However, there a lot of important details that people are not aware of. Some of this information includes taxes, home values, and the value of responsible homeowners.
In the year 2015, the primary reason for individuals and couples purchasing a home was that they desired to have and own a home of their own. If you are looking for new communities and different communities to buy your house within, understand and know what these communities are about and what they represent. Whether it be a self-sustaining community, single family homes, planned communities, master planned communities, or any other type of community. You definitely need to know what you are looking for. Do you want diversity? Do you want a home with a high value so that you can flip it if you must relocate for your job? These are all important things for you to know and understand.
In conclusion, if you are going about buying a house in the right way there are plenty of things that you can look at when trying to pick between communities you want to live in. For instance, taxes on a new home are much lower in the first 12 to 24 months than on a similarly valued resale home. Also, 2 in 5 Americans, which equates to 41% of the population, either somewhat or strongly prefer a newly-built home over an existing one. Know all of your options so that you can make the best decision when picking between communities that you want your house to be within.