How Many Times a Week Do You Have to Mow Your Lawn?


This summer has been a battle. Between all of the many days of rain and being out of town it has been a struggle to take care of the lawn. Every time that you have time to mow it is raining, and every time that the weather is nice you are not home to mow. And while you are glad for the great weather on the weekend that allows you to enjoy camping and boating, you finally had to make the decision to pay someone to mow the yard. You have used landscaping services at your business property before, but this is the first time that you have had to look for commercial lawn care services to make sure that that the yard at your house is taken care of.

Fortunately, you were able to work with a couple of the neighbors and get a pretty good bid on a company coming out to do all three of your lawns. Making one stop for three jobs, combined with the fact that your non fenced backyards are all three adjacent, meant that several of the commercial lawn care services were able to give you a better bid.

Lawn Maintenance Is an Important Part of Property Ownership
Landscaping companies often offer both residential and commercial services, but it can be a challenge to get one to add you to their schedule in the middle of the summer. And while you may have to pay a little more money than you might have expected, it is a relief to know that your lawn will be taken care of even when you are away on vacation or at work. There are some home owners who rely on neighbors to fill in when vacations and work interrupt the mowing process, but often times these neighborhood arrangements are not ideal. When you hire a professional company to make sure that you are getting the services you need it is easier to speak up when things are not going as planned. With a neighbor, however, it is often difficult to say something when the job is not satisfactorily completed.

It is good to know, though, that any investment you make in your lawn will pay you back encouraging dividends. In fact, the latest research indicates that spending as little as 5% of a home’s value on landscaping may yield a return on investment (ROI) of as much as 150%. In fact, as many as 90% of real estate agents encourage home owners to invest in landscaping prior to selling because these efforts increase the curb appeal.

If you are a property owner who simply does not have the schedule that allows you to take care of the lawn on a regular basis, it is in your best interest to contact commercial lawn care services and see if they have a price and a schedule that can help meet your needs.

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