Here are 5 Reasons to Donate Your Gently Used Clothing to Charity


Charitable giving appears to be ingrained in Americans across the country. It’s believed that around 70% of people in the United States give to charity each year. Many people like giving to charity because they like the knowledge that they’re helping people in need. Charitable donations, however, don’t have to be financial in nature, they can also consist of simpler things like choosing to donate old clothing to the charity of your choice. There are clothing donation centers all across the country that let you donate clothes. There are several reasons to donate old clothing to charity and this article will take a look at a few of those reasons.

  • Donating Clothing is Good for the Environment: One reason to donate old clothing to charity is because donating items instead of throwing them away is ultimately good for the environment. Textile waste is quite the issue in the United States, as according to the EPA, Americans throw away an average of 10 pounds of clothes per person each year. This adds up to millions of pounds thrown away each year, all of which end up in the landfill where they go to waste. By donating the clothing instead, less waste will end up rotting in the landfill, which will be good for the environment in the long term.
  • Donating Can Be Very Convenient: Another reason to donate old clothing to charity is because making donations can be very convenient. Many people hesitate to donate old clothing because they don’t want to deal with boxing up a lot of clothing and taking it to a donation center across town, but in some cases this doesn’t have to happen at all. Many charities that accept clothing donations also include a service that sends people to the home of the donor to pick up their donations at the front door, making the donation quick and easy for the donor.
  • Your Used Clothing Donations are Tax Deductible: A third reason to donate old clothing to charity is because your donations can be considered tax deductible. Your donation to your selected charity is tax deductible for the value of the items you donate, which can be considerable if you end up donating a lot of valuable clothes all at once.
  • It’s a Way to Support Charities Without Spending Money: Another reason to donate old clothing to charity is because it’s a way to support charity without spending money. Currently, 3% of American income is given to charities each year, but many simply can’t afford to financially give to charity. Thankfully, many charities also accept clothing donations in lieu of a financial donation, and it goes to help the charity just as much.
  • Making a Clothing Donation Can Reduce the Amount of Clutter in Your Home: And finally, a final reason to donate old clothing to charity is because your donations can reduce the amount of overall clutter in your home. Americans today consume more clothes per person than ever before, upwards of 20 billion garments each year. That works out to 68 garments and 7 pairs of shoes per person. All of that clothing takes up valuable space, and can quickly fill your closet to capacity. By going through and donating the clothing you no longer want or use, unnecessary clutter will be removed and it will be easier to keep your closet organized.

In conclusion, there are multiple reasons to donate old clothing to charity. These reasons include helping the environment, it’s a convenient process, your donations are tax deductible, it’s a way to support charity without spending money, and it can reduce the amount of clutter in your home. These are just a few of the reasons to donate old clothing to charity.

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