Moving is something that almost everyone has to go through at least one time in their life. For many people, it is even a relatively regular occurrence. Jobs that require a change of location on the regular turn ordinary people into moving experts, simply because they know exactly what to do and what not to do. If you are in the position where you have to move, it doesn’t have to be that complicated. Just remember to keep a few things in mind.
First of all, if moving yourself is something you feel you must do, then godspeed. I don’t think there are too many people who would envy you that desire. Moving rental truck companies are more than glad to rent you a truck and let you do all the work. They get paid no matter what, so go for it.
If, however, you are like most rational adults, you will want to find moving companies and hire moving labor as far out from the date of your move as you can. Waiting until the last minute can be an absolute disaster. You will want to find a mover that has the equipment and the capability to take you where you need to go when you need to get there.
Moving quotes can have a wide range of things that are involved. You can book the truck alone or moving help by the hour, depending on what you need. If your trip is a local one and you don’t need that much in the way of help, moving quotes will obviously be on the low end. If you’re moving from Tallahassee to Wallawalla, that’s another story entirely.
The great thing about having a moving company help you with your move is that they literally do all of the heavy lifting. That leaves you with the ability to do other tasks that no one remembers to do until the last minute of the move, like figuring out how to get the cat to travel without throwing up on the car seats.
If you do hire a moving company, try to give yourself enough time to prepare for them. It will make things easier on you as well as on the movers. Pack your boxes beforehand and pack them well. Do make sure, however, that you don’t make them too heavy or bulky. The easier it is for the movers to handle your belongings, the better shape your belongings will be in when you open them in your new pad.
Also, try to have a plan in place when it comes to where your furniture will go once you have arrived at your new home. Just a general idea of where the couch might go, what furniture lives in the bedroom, and what lamps go where. This will save you the pain (literally) of moving things up flights of stairs or dragging stuff along the floors as you attempt to get the new home look you want.
Moving is not much fun and not many people in the world like to go through it, but getting good quality moving quotes, hiring the right help, and having a plan in place can make things so much less complicated than they have to be.