When you want to have a better garden, it can take a lot of work to achieve one. You might think of a few annuals and a few perennials that you want, but this is rarely enough to create a good-looking garden. If you want to completely redesign your garden, it’s a good idea to draw up some plans for the garden. You will need to get a few garden necessities like peat moss and a balanced fertilizer to add to some of the plants.
When you are garden scaping, keep in mind which plants will look good when. You don’t want to have everything bloom in the spring so that there is no other time of year when anything will be in bloom. When you know what you need to buy for your garden, you can look for garden supplies for sale to get them all. There are many retailers that sell gardening essentials. These include all-purpose big box stores, hardware stores, home improvement stores, and even more. Make a list of everything that you will need to keep your garden supply shopping more convenient and efficient for you. Then, you can begin work on sprucing up your garden.
It’s spring, and it is finally time to think about the plants and shrubs growing wildly around your home. Investing in outdoor spaces pays off when you put your house on the market, and many families easily reap the benefits while still living in their homes. From edible gardens and colorful flowers to natural, outdoor entertaining spaces, experts spill the hottest garden design trends of 2014:
Eat and Drink Your Garden
Politicians and medical professionals are campaigning for greater awareness of nutrition, exercise, and overall health — and a growing number of Americans are becoming increasingly conscious of diets and nutrition. That doesn’t make it any easier on our wallets. Growing your own edibles is a simple and efficient way around that. Consumers are growing fruits and vegetables in their gardens to make smoothies and all-natural juices. Others are growing expensive and/or somewhat hard-to-find items, like quinoa.
Celebrating Pantone’s Color of the Year
“Inspired by the fragile flower, Pantone named Radiant Orchid the color of the year. Expect to see it in everything from garden gloves to the tabletop,” HGTV writes. Many homeowners are taking the shade of the year literally and planting the vibrant flower next to duller trees and shrubs as a refreshing pop of color. Homeowners are also planting flowering trees and shrubs — also in purple and pink hues — in homage to Pantone’s favored color scheme.
Entertaining in the Great Outdoors
Landscape trends this spring are combining the best of the indoors and outdoors. More Americans are entertaining on their patios — increasing the popularity of raised gardens and trees among outdoor-friendly furniture. Alternating pavement with gardens and flowers is also popular. “Permeable pavers allow the movement of stormwater to percolate through their surface to reduce runoff and leaching of any contaminants. And they look good doing it, too!” Better Homes and Gardens explains.
Increase the value of your home — and enjoy it more, too! Plant edibles for inexpensive, healthy meals, add color with flowering trees and shrubs, and enjoy all the comforts of the indoors while entertaining outside.