Crafting and quilting are very popular in the United States, By some estimates, there are as many as 21 million quilters around the country. There are some good reasons for this. The British Journal of Occupational Therapy looked at knitting as a way to alleviate depression. They discovered that when people who are depressed try knitting, a full 81% report feeling more happy afterwards. Crafters work in a variety of different mediums but there is one thing most share; the desire to find the best craft storage ideas. The good new is that a modular cube storage system can work really well for most crafting needs. Here are some reasons to consider it:
- You can get the size you want. Just as every crafter is different, every home with crafters in it is unique, What may work well for one crafter’s supplies may not work for the size and shape of another’s home. That is where good modular cube storage system come into play. When you use modular and stackable furniture cubes, you can design your storage area around both the items that need to be stored and the space you have to store them.
- You can move things around as you need to. If you have a small space and your work space has to be in the same area as your storage are, you will find you are able to do more with your space when you have this kind of system in place. You can alter the configuration of the storage you have as you need to. If you have your crafting group over to work on a project, you can accommodate everyone.
- A modular cube storage system will keep you more organized. Because you can have your storage space build and configured so that it works best for your space, your items and your needs, you will be more inclined to use it more. That will mean, when you set out to work on a project, you will spend a lot less time looking for the supplies that you need and more time finishing your project. This makes this kind of storage really great for crafting.
- If you move your work space, stackable cube storage is easier to move. Most modular cube storage system pieces are smaller, making them easier to move and to arrange differently. Unlike bulky pieces, these are easy to take apart and move to a new location. Whether that place is across the hall or across the country, you can keep all of your craft supplies safe and secure in their proper storage spaces when you need to relocate them. Once again, when you get your cubes into their new home, they can be moved around and configured to work as well in the new space as in the old one.
- They are cost effective to replace. As much as we would like them to, nothing lasts forever. This is true of all modular cube storage systems. The good news is that as great as they are to buy, use and move around, they are also not too expensive to replace when the time comes. Also, if one part is damaged at any point, you do not have to replace all of your system, just the cubes that were broken or damaged. This makes this a more cost effective way to get new pieces when you need to. This can also take a lot of stress out of buying storage and organization furniture.
Crafting is a great hobby. It is also more popular among younger people. It has been reported that about 35% of all people in the United States who enjoy crafting are between 18 and 34 years old. About 37% of people who enjoy crafting are between 35 and 54. Only 28% of all crafters are over 55 years old. No matter what age you are, if you enjoy crafting, you probably want a better way to store your supplies. A modular cube storage system can be just the thing to help you keep your crafting stuff together and easy to reach.