Many people want to give back to their community and help people who need it but do not have the time to volunteer or money to give a cash contribution. The good news is that there are ways to make a difference without having an abundance of either. If you would like to do something, consider making clothing donations to a local charity.
Why You Should Make Clothing Donations to Charity
It will lift your spirits. It is no secret that doing good and nice things for others makes you feel good about yourself and improves your sense of well being. Putting that positive energy into the world also helps your karma and just makes the world a better place. Few things lift the spirits like helping families in need.
It is good for the environment. Americans throw away about 12 million tons of clothing every year. Approximately 90% of that garbage could still be used by someone who needs it. That means nearly 11 million tons of waste could be removed from landfills across the country. So by donating clothes helps someone who needs it and helps the environment. In 2011, Americans donated about two million tons of clothes. Nearly 80% of the clothing donated is given to families who need it. That is a real win-win!
One person’s trash is another person’s treasure. Just because you cannot use an article of clothing does not mean no one else can use it. Old jackets and coats are really needed in winter months. If you have lost or gained weight, the clothes that no longer fit you might be perfect for someone else. This is also a great way to clean out your closet. Tim Gunn recommends going through your closet twice a year and getting rid of anything you have not worn for two seasons, “It makes sense to save your wedding or prom dress but you really should not hang on to that old turtle neck that you haven’t worn for five years.”
It will save you money on your taxes. Just like a cash donation, you can take any clothing donations off of your taxes. If you donate more than $500 worth of items, you need to get a receipt for the Internal Revenue Service. This is another win-win!
Making clothing donations is really easy. Charities have drop off locations and there are other organizations that pick up donations. You can also organize a donation day at your work so that people can bring in clothing items they wish to get rid of and arrange a used clothing pick up. Before you donate, clean and organize your items to make it easier for people at the charity who handle it on their end. Making charitable contributions helps strengthen your community and make it a better place to live.