Why You Should Utilize A Storage Facility


Storage facilities are necessary for more and more people all throughout the United States, as people are collecting more and more personal possessions that they are hesitant to part with. In fact, the average home in the United States has as many as three hundred thousand things in them, and many houses will have even more. For Americans that own boats and vehicles such as RVs, storage facilities often become necessary as they simply would not otherwise have any place to store them.
Buying an RV has become more common than ever before in the United States, with more than forty million RV campers and camping participants, and for good reason. Did you know that a vacation taken by RV can cost as much as sixty two percent less than traveling by another method, even when factoring in the costs of fuel as well as any costs of ownership that the RV owners may have accrued. Buying an RV is particularly common among middle aged families, as the average RV owner is just under fifty years old and married. As the average RV owners has a total household income of under seventy percent, you don’t need to be particularly rich or absurdly wealthy in order to own and enjoy (and even benefit from) an RV. In fact, nearly ten million households in the United States alone own an RV or have owned an RV at some point, according to the Recreation Vehicle Industry Association, and not all (or even most) of these people are in the top one percent, so to speak.
Unfortunately, however, most typical households are lacking the space for indoor RV storage during the winter months, and leaving your RV vehicle exposed to the elements could lead to the decay and damage of your RV. An RV should be stored somewhere safe and dry while not in use and in many climates, that place is not always the street. However, at least one quarter of all households in the United States that do have a two car garage don’t even have room for their cars in the aforementioned garage as it is too filled with other things. In more than thirty percent of all American homes with a two car garage, only one car comfortably fits inside. For many RV owners, storage facilities have become the only logical place to store an RV when it is not in use.
Storage facilities are plentiful all throughout the United States, with more than fifty thousand at the time of this article. A storage facility can be ideal for storing a number of things, from an RV to small household goods. As only around half of all self storage facility users have an attic and only just over sixty percent have a garage, it is not uncommon for people living in the United States to be without adequate space to keep their possessions that they do not want to throw away for whatever reason (perhaps sentimentality) but do not have the adequate space to keep in their homes. Storage facilities present the solution for many people, providing a safe space for their possessions, from the largest, such as an RV, to the smallest, to be stored as long as the storage rental fees are paid. Some storage facilities are even gated, providing an even greater level of security to the possessions that are stored there. Shopping around for a storage facility is a task that should not be rushed, as picking a storage facility is of considerable importance for many people.

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