What To Know Before Choosing A Dog Hotel


It can be difficult to leave your dog with strangers even if it is at a dog hotel. You want to be able to trust animal lovers off the bat, but just because they love animals doesn’t mean they’re capable of taking care of your animal. You need peace of mind when you’re traveling.

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Here are a few tips to make sure you’re comfortable with the dog hotel you choose.

There are a few questions you need to ask before you book your dog’s appointment. First, what will they do if your animal needs medical attention? They should be collecting your veterinarian’s information before you leave in case of an emergency. You should also learn where your dog will be kept during the day versus the night and if there is a difference.

Make sure to ask how much exercise your dog will get and how often they will be around other dogs. Before you drop them off, make a list of everything the people watching your dog need to know. It’s important to inform them of any medication, special foods, or food sensitivities. If your dog has anxiety you should mention that too.


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