Universal Remote Controls are a Thing of the Past


Tv remote replacement

While universal remotes might seem like the most convenient thing out there, they often evoke a headache in many a television watcher. Not only do you have to read that confusing and unnecessarily lengthy instructional pamphlet, but you have to search hundreds of TV remote codes in order to find the one that MIGHT work for your television. The process is dizzying, unnecessary, and all too tiresome.
And this fatigue associated with programmable remote controls is not an isolated incident. America has a clear remote control problem. In fact, over 50% of all American families have four or more devices that require the help of a remote control in solely the living room. I don’t know about you, but that seems like quite a lot of devices and original remote controls to keep track of at once.
And once you lose your original TV remote controls, it can be hard to use any of the devices in your home properly. This is often when people reach for those all-too-confusing programmable remote controls. Luckily, it’s possible to order a replacement for your TV remote control.
Through certain websites and distributors, one can purchase any kind of replacement, whether it be a Samsung, Panasonic, or Philips remote control, there are replacements available.
However, before you resort to the internet to check out the right replacement remote control for you, you may want to search around your house first. Did you know that 4% of all missing remote controls are found in the freezer? And to make matters even stranger, 2% of them are found in the car!
the average American watched around 2.8 hours of television per day — sometimes even more. To make that viewing process as convenient and pleasant as possible, do us a favor and hang on to those remotes! Nobody wants to be the guy or gal that walks up to the TV and manually changes the station. Come on, it’s 2015!

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