Anyone who has lived in a college dorm will tell you that dorm life can be as important to any college experience as the education offered. For most students, going to college is also the first time they will live away from their family. Students in dorms get to explore the school and campus life on their own. This new freedom to make decisions and live independently in a safe space is very helpful for them. Of course, part of the fun can be in the dorm room organization process. Here are some tips from the pros help guide you in organizing your dorm room.
- Make use of the fridge in your dorm room. Even if you have a meal plan, you can make the most out of your dorm fridge. This may not be the first thing you think about when you are thinking about dorm room organization but you may be able to avoid the “freshman 15” (the weight many college students gain when they start college). By keeping healthy snacks and drinks you can avoid ordering late-night pizzas to help you study.
- Work with your roommate (or suitemates). The first place to start with a good dorm room organization plan is to talk to the person (or people) you will be living with. This is a great way to color coordinate or make sure you do not end up with too many of the same stacking cubes furniture items. If you do not already know the person, it can also be a good way to get to know something about them before you move in together.
- Do not forget to bring some of your home with you. Although you may be excited about moving off to college there is often some trepidation for some as they move out of home for the first time. One thing you can add to your dorm room organization plan is to remember to bring some of your favorite things from home. Even a few photos from home can make the experience better for you.
- Embrace your creativity when it comes to your walls. There are a lot of things you can do after you have all of your furniture for small spaces arranged as you want it. You can get non-permanent stencils and other fun decorations to make the space all your own. Make sure you check the rules to see what can and cannot be hung on your dorm room walls.
- Look for lighting to add your style and let you study. Dorm room lighting can have several uses. You need good lighting to stuffy, of course, and you want great lighting when you are getting ready to go out. You can also use lighting to create a calm space when you need to relax or give your dorm a party atmosphere when you are having friends over,
- Get those cords under control. It can be easy to have the cords you need to take over the space in your dorm room. The good news is that there are a lot of options when it comes to dorm room organization that have been specifically designed to address this problem.
- Do not forget to make a charging area. There are a lot of devices that you will need to have charged up as you do your college thing. One good idea to make sure you have the power you need without making the place look cluttered.
- Do not forget to keep cleaning supplies in mind. This may not be the most interesting or fun parts of making your dorm room organization plan but it is something you need to do. One of the things you will have to think about when you are living in college is how to keep your space clean and dust free. You can get storage and organization products to keep everything you need to keep your looking (and smelling) fantastic in one place and easy to reach when you need it.
When you are embarking on your college adventure, the first stop is the way you decorate and organize your living space. You may not have as much room in your dorm but you can make it great.