For many senior citizens, the reality of becoming less independent with age can be a tough pill to swallow. Struggling to complete daily tasks on your own such as showering, dressing, and running errands are complications the elderly frequently experience, and accepting the fact that their life is now dependent on others is also a struggle, yet necessary to continue living a safe, comfortable and quality and lifestyle. Senior living communities, often referred to as assisted living communities or nursing homes, provide the elderly with the daily support they need, while helping them to remain as independent as possible. In addition to the daily support provided for residents of each community, daily events and activities are provided to help maintain an enjoyable and active lifestyle. Meanwhile, 24 hour medical care is provided, with doctors and nurses working around the clock to help manage safe and adequate care.
It’s not always easy to tell when a parent, family member, loved one, or even your self needs assistance with living. A good sign of when assisted living care is needed, is when the elderly individual becomes disoriented and confused on a regular basis. Disorientation and daily confusion can be evident through indicators such as the refrigerator being frequently empty or filled with spoiled food, the individual often wearing the same clothes and outfits, neglecting personal hygiene, or frequent falling and injuries experienced while doing everyday activities. If the elderly individual often forgets important responsibilities such as taking important medication or misses doctor appointments, memory loss could be a factor, in which case assisted living services can be beneficial.
According to PBS, an estimated 17,000 senior living communities currently exist in the United States. The average national U.S. age of those admitted to these communities is 79 years old. With the large majority of the highly populated Baby Boomer generation reaching this age, senior assisted living facilities are expected to increase, as they continue to help seniors live, and enjoy the remaining years of their life. Families can even take advantage of not-for-profit senor living facilities, currently 26% of nursing homes in the U.S. are non-profit.
When choosing from the long list of available senior living communities, pick one that feels comfortable and features a friendly staff. Additionally, the facility should be clean, well maintained and offers a variety of amenities and events to keep their residents content and active. Try not to place too much emphasis on surface appeal, such as designer furnishings and impeccable grounds, the best communities typically aren’t the most fancy or expensive. The bottom line is that the best senior living facilities are those that offer impeccable care, while allowing the resident to feel at home. Helpful info also found here: www.youtube.com