The Appeal of Florida Facts


Real estate for sale

Many Americans see Florida as a place to take vacations. There are many statistics about it that are worth noting. It has an appeal that is powerful among many Americans. It has beaches, theme parks, and great underwater wildlife. Its population is growing every year, sometimes with big leaps. The statistics about Florida are included below.

  • Florida?s total population: 21.31 million.
  • Florida?s population grows by almost 1,000 people each day.
  • If growth continues at roughly the same rate, by the time that the next Census is undertaken in 2020, the population will exceed 22 million and Florida?s population could potentially surpass 26 million by 2030.
  • Florida has a surface area of 65,755 square miles.
  • Florida attracts more than 100 million visitors each year.

Florida has several big attractions that lure in new people each year. There are Universal Studios, Busch Gardens, Disney Land, the Miami night life, the meandering environment of Tampa, the cool relaxation in Palm Springs, the party life in Fort Lauderdale, and easy access to Mexico.

It also has some of the best beaches in the United States, with white sandy that is fine, and plenty of aquatic wildlife, such as manatees and sting rays. Some of the beaches have some of the best collections of shells around. For someone who is shell collector, Florida is a great place to either visit or move to.

Although many people visit Florida, there are options as well for houses. The housing market has rebounded since the 2007 crash, but there are still many options for affordable homes in Florida. Some terms associated with this are homes for sale, houses for sale, mansions for sale, new condos for sale, and more.

Some terms are even location specific, such as luxury apartment Fort Lauderdale or real estate Pompano Beach waterfront. There are other as well including Rio Vista homes for sale Fort Lauderdale or houses for sale Fort Lauderdale on the water. There are options available for those looking to buy a property in Florida.

Another appealing aspect of Florida is the climate. The temperature in Florida is temperate all year around, generally staying in the 70’s or 80’s, depending. For many who may have conditions that cause them pain in the cold, the temperate climate in Florida can help.

One of the detracting or possibly detracting parts of Florida has to do with the hurricanes. Due possibly to global warming, hurricanes have become stronger and more intense in recent years, with many making landfall in Florida, either on the coast or covering the whole state.

That said, most people tend to move to Florida because of its attractions and its temperature and although the prospect of hurricanes puts some people off, more and more people are moving to Florida each year, even if they live in areas like trailer parks, where the trailers are rooted to the ground.

There are some statistics about the housing market that are worth noting. They concern the median price for a house along with important points for people who are thinking of buying a house. This includes the Florida market as well, where there are many types of properties for sale. The statistics are included below.

  • Home sales for November 2017 were down 9% compared with the previous month, and up 12% compared with 2016.
  • The median sales price of a non-distressed home was $216,000. The median sales price of a foreclosure home was $155,000, or 28% lower than non-distressed home sales.
  • In spring 2017, the number of people who said they live in a household that own a second home in the United States amounted to 9.26 million.
  • Sales of vacation homes slumped nearly 22 percent in 2016 to the lowest level in three years.

The last statistic is particularly important for someone who is looking to buy a vacation home, such as mansions for sale. Because fewer people are buying vacation homes, it is likely that the overall price for homes in Florida is less than it would be if more people were buying homes.

For those looking to purchase a home, finding mansions for sale would help if that person is at a certain price point. Mansions for sale can be near the beach or not near the beach. In Florida, a person is never more than two hours from a beach.

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