Making a Difference, One Piece of Clothing at a Time


Purple heart charity pick up

Now more than ever, awareness surrounding cultural and environmental issues is growing. People are looking to make a difference in the plight of others, and it’s easier than it’s ever been. All you need is some old clothes and a desire to help your fellow mankind.

One of the most multi-faceted ways to make a difference is with used clothing donations. By donating your used clothing instead of throwing it out, you are helping the environment and those who may be struggling. Many clothing donation programs are using their proceeds to benefit veterans and the disabled.

In America alone, we dump 10.5 million tons of clothing in landfills each year. The unfortunate thing about clothing is that it’s not biodegradable, so it pollutes the land. However, we are also able to prevent billions of pounds of fabric from ending up in landfills by purchasing used-clothing.

While it may be easier to ignore the effect landfills are having on our environment, it’s important that we each play our part in helping to cut down on pollution. Recycling any and all recyclable materials is a great way to contribute. By cutting down on our waste, we give the environment a fighting chance.

Clothing and household donations are also directly linked to helping military families. Many charitable organizations will use the money they receive from used-clothing purchases to aid veterans and their families. It’s one great way to thank them for their service.

Clothing drop off locations are likely available in most communities. Finding your local clothing drop off will make it even easier to donate your old clothes after you next bout of spring cleaning. Compared to 20 years ago, contemporary Americans buy at least twice as many pieces of clothing. Even so, Americans only donate/recycle about 15% of their used clothing. But together, we can do so much more.

Next time you’re cleaning out your closet, make an effort to donate your used clothing. It is such an amazing way to contribute and it only takes a few moments of your time.

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