In Need of Elder Care for a Parent? Here are Some Things to Consider Before Making the Move


Treating dementia

Do you have an elderly parent who needs help with day to day tasks? Does he or she need assistance with walking, taking medication, or arriving to his or her medical appointments? Does your parent require specialized care for a condition related to memory, behavior, or chronic illness? These are all common issues among senior citizens, and for many, these problems necessitate individualized care in a senior assisted living home.

When it comes to elder care, there are a variety of senior living options that can address your parent’s needs. These facilities range from independent settings that allow seniors to live on their own to assisted living options that can account for all levels of senior health. Before deciding which facility will be right for your loved one, here are a few things to consider:

    1. What is your parent’s social life like? Many seniors who are widows or widowers live on their own, and they may feel isolated from other people from time to time. Living in a senior community can help combat feelings of loneliness and help that activity calendar stay full. Seniors who feel isolated may be at more risk for depression, so moving to a senior community is an important elder care factor in maintaining health and well-being.

    2. Has your parent fallen in the last year? Seniors who have fallen are at greater risk for major injuries if they live alone. If you have concerns about your parent’s safety, it may be time to find out more about senior living. This can, in the long run, be more cost effective than making constant upgrades to a parent’s home.

    3. Does your parent need help medical attention on a regular basis? If your parent needs help with taking medication, remembering medical appointments, or managing a condition related to memory, then he or she may benefit from senior living. Elder care communities are typically staffed with skilled nursing professionals who know how to treat a variety of conditions.

Have more questions about senior living? Be sure to speak with someone at a facility near you. Visiting a senior community is a great way to assess whether it’s right for your parent. You can also leave a comment below if you’d like more recommendations about senior living.

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