If you’ve been paying attention to the British news reports, you know there’s a new nanny holding court in the quarters of the Royal Family. But what makes this particularly newsworthy is that she’s not British at all — she’s Spanish.
For us here in North America, that might not be that big of a deal. But to certain sections of everyday British society, it’s quite offensive. For decades, the only proper way to raise kids in England was with an English nanny, but indeed, the days of Mary Poppins are now far, far away in the rear view mirror. Today, nannies come in all shapes and sizes, and the benefits of hiring a nanny for your own home are numerous.
That’s why we’ve compiled this list of what to look for in a good nanny when you’re starting the search. Hiring a caregiver is no small feat, despite how easy it may appear to be. (Hint — Craigslist can’t do all the work for you.) So, whether you go through the best nanny agencies in your area or simply do the legwork yourself, here’s what every good nanny should have if they’re going to help out with your children.
1. A great demeanor around children.
We know what you’re saying: “Duhhh!” But you’d be surprised at the number of recent college graduates who throw their hats in the ring for nannying jobs simply because they can’t find anything else. And a 22-year-old gal with a degree in sociology isn’t necessarily the best pick for a child’s caregiver. The right nannies have a genuine love for children and want to give their best to help them succeed.
2. The ability to care for and nurture children.
Anyone can love being around children, but it takes a special soul entirely to endure them for long periods of time. Good nannies must be diligent and prevent children from coming into harm in addition to possessing great reserves of patience for the long haul. After all, not every kid is born with the understanding that it’s not OK to stash crayons up his nose.
3. Certifications in handling emergencies.
Out of all the benefits of hiring a nanny, this one might be the most essential. Every nanny doesn’t need to know CPR, but the ones who do can often prove to be the most employable. Additionally, there’s always the risk that things outside of the caregiver’s control — especially natural disasters and the like — can strike, which means a calm yet assertive nanny can be the difference between panic and control.
There you have it, the top qualities you should always look for in a home caregiver. Though there are many benefits of hiring a nanny, it’s good to remember those that are most important. Your children’s upbringing depends on finding the right one. For more about this, go here.