Across the nation, Americans are eager to show their appreciation and support for veterans and military families for the sacrifices they have made. There are a number of local and national charities for military families that accept a variety of charitable donations, such as volunteering or clothing donations. However Americans decide to show their support for military families and veterans, there efforts are greatly appreciated by those in need.
Many people are eager to help, but unsure where to begin. Perhaps a clothing donation would be best. Clothing donations are becoming an increasingly popular way to give back. For example, in 2007, it’s estimated that a whopping $5.8 billion worth of clothing donations were made to charities across the United States. Clothing donations are not only beneficial to veterans and military families, they are also beneficial to the environment and the economy, which is a valid concern for many Americans. In fact, 99% of discarded clothing could have been recycled. Common fabrics such as cotton, polyester, nylon and rayon make up nearly %5 of all trash found in landfills. However, in 2006, an estimated 2.5 billion pounds of fabric were kept out of American landfills by used clothes purchases. Additionally, the textile recycling industry has created an estimated 17,000 jobs throughout the United States. Many organizations and charities offer pick up services for clothing donations, making donating easier and more convenient than ever.
Whether Americans donate their time, money, or gently used clothes and other household goods, they can feel confident knowing they’re supporting an honorable cause.