Farms, Ranches Help Boost The US Agriculture Economy


Cattle ranch

Agriculture in the U.S. is important for the overall health of the country. Because of it’s significance, agricultural production takes place in every state in the U.S. It helps that the U.S. is fortunate enough to have an abundance of natural resources and land conditions, making it one of the world’s leaders in agriculture production and supply.

In fact, the agriculture industry in the U.S. generated about $374 billion and employe over 750,000 people across the country in 2011 alone! The agriculture industry in Texas alone produces an impressive $36.4 billion each years! Understandably, whether it’s farmland for crops or ranches for cattle, agriculture real estate is highly sought after by many. Fortunately for those who want to get involved in the agriculture business, there’s many farms and ranches for sale, and plenty of real estate to go around.

Farms and ranches are so plentiful in the U.S. that there are over 2.2 million farms alone and the average farm typically has around 435 acres. Not counting ranch real estate and ranches for sale, there is an estimated 920 million acres of farm real estate in the U.S. The total value of all that far land? It’s a staggering $2 trillion! One of the state’s leading the country in agriculture real estate is Texas, so it should come as no surprise that an estimated one in seven Texans has an agriculture-based job. However, in terms of leading the country in the production of 66 crops, like dates, figs, almonds, olives, peaches, sweet rice, walnuts, and more, California takes the cake as one of the leading producers.

Even states like Wyoming have booming agriculture industries and plenty of farms and ranches for sale. The state has about 30.169 million acres devoted to agriculture production,, so it’s no surprise that, in 2013, crop production in Wyoming was $520.

It’s important to remember that farms aren’t the only kind of agriculture real estate properties out there. Ranches play a big role in the U.S., and owners can choose to operate them as cattle ranches, hunting ranches, luxury guest ranches, or even horse ranches. Ranches are very successful and help boost the economy.

So for those looking to join the agriculture industry, maybe it’s time to look for farms or ranches for sale!

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