Don’t Know When to Donate Clothes? This Information Should Make You Happy


Helping families in need

Many Americans like to be able to give to charity when they can, but they often wonder when to donate clothes during the year. As a result, they may hold back from donating clothing because they think that no one can use it or that it’s out of season. While for some people this may mean keeping clothes in a drawer or closet for a little bit longer, others may think they’ve missed their window of opportunity and throw those clothes in the trash.

But that’s a huge mistake: clothing and textile waste in the United States accounts for about 5% of all trash in landfills. That adds up to between 12 and 13 million tons of trash each year, when, in fact, 95% of that waste could have been salvaged by being donated or recycled.

So when is it appropriate to begin donating clothing to charity? Here’s the good news: any time is the right time to donate. The only trick is that you may need to think about what exactly you’re giving.

If you’re giving in the spring…

There’s a chance that many people associate charitable donations with spring cleaning. This is a great opportunity to give, and it helps clear your home of clutter before summer arrives. You can give items that are suitable for warm and cool weather.

If you’re giving in the summer…

Many people who wonder when to donate clothes may think that no one needs a clothing donation in the summer. However, this is still an excellent time to streamline a wardrobe and give to others. Make sure to donate items suitable for warm weather, such as t-shirts, shorts, and items that are useful for workouts. And fall is also back-to-school season for kids, so you can help local parents by clearing out your children’s old clothing at the end of summer.

If you’re giving in the autumn…

The warmth of summer begins to turn into a chill during the fall, but the temperature tends to fluctuate between hot and cold for much of the season. Therefore, this is the perfect time to clear out your summer wardrobe and give away what you no longer need for the upcoming cold weather. In addition to giving away the tees and shorts you don’t need, think about any old sweaters or sweatshirts you may want to clear out, too.

If you’re giving in the winter…

Many people try to get their last minute giving in during the holiday season, which is an excellent time to do so. For one, there are many people who are in need during this season. Additionally, it also helps donors by giving them one final chance at a tax break. During winter, consider donating items such as coats, sweaters, hats, gloves, and other cold weather accessories.

Some charities will also ask for specific types of used clothing donations throughout the year, so check first before giving if you have any doubts. Have more questions about when to donate clothes or where to give them? Leave a comment below.

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