In today’s world, quality is often overlooked as companies seek to pump out the most products they can at the lowest production cost, often importing cheaply-made pieces from overseas and assembling them in the U.S. for eventual distribution. If you are looking for quality storage sheds or barns, you might have difficulty locating a builder you can trust. What should you do?
One potential option is Amish made furniture. The Amish are a unique cultural and religious group living in different parts of the U.S. Most choose to avoid the conveniences of modern technology, including electricity, cars, and dishwashers. Their workmanship is often prized because of the attention to detail that goes into every piece, and the pride that is placed in producing quality products. Although the Amish make some exceptions for technology when it comes to making furniture, for the most part everything is fairly simply done, and far-removed from mass production.
Are you interested in buying Amish storage barns, sheds or garages? They can be a great investment. Here are a few things you should keep in mind.
What You Should Look for in Amish Built Sheds
- A shed can be a great place to store outdoor bulky equipment. If you’re worried about the possibility of theft, or simply want to make sure your items are properly sealed away, make sure that the doors are in some way lockable from the outside.
- Although many people like the rustic look of bark left on wood used for shedding, it’s not recommended. Bark attracts insects to your shed, reducing the longevity of the structure.
- If you live in an area that is prone to flooding, you may want to raise your shed off the ground a bit. This can be easily accomplished by installing a pier pad foundation below the shed. If the shed is too high up, you will likely need to install a ramp as well, to reach the doors.
- Although most owners do not need permits for simple sheds, if you plan to customize your Amish garden shed with electricity or have one that is above average size, you might want to double check whether your area has restrictions.
What to Consider for Amish Storage Barns
- The number one reason people have to get rid of their old barns is rot. One thing that can cause everything from rot to insect infestations is an insufficient roof overhang. If rainwater coming off your roof isn’t pushed away from the shed, it gathers at the base and starts to eat away at your wood. A six inch overhang sufficiently keeps water away.
- Look for Amish built barns that are low maintenance. Ideally, you want a barn you only need to touch up every 10 years or so with new paint. Vinyl, instead of wood, sides will eliminate the need to do routine painting.
Are you interested in Amish storage barns or sheds? Let us know in the comments. Read this website for more information.