Choose a Walking Cane That Makes You Feel Confident


Walking canes

Nearly 6.8 million Americans use some type of assistive device to help them with their mobility issues. Canes and walking sticks of all types are meant to accomplish one thing: help a person with their stability during movement. For some, any sort of cane is a sign of defeat: they feel embarrassed that they need help in such a visible way. There is absolutely never anything to be uneasy about, as many people require some help. To not accept help, even in the form of an assistive mobility device, means a reduction in mobility.

Why Do Seniors Require Canes For Safety?

There are bariatric canes, umbrella canes, carbon fiber canes, but the type to choose depends on what the user desires as well as their life style. To improve mobility, it is absolutely critical to chose a cane that is the proper height, is not too heavy, and provides the correct amount of mobility. Here are a few tips to get you started.

What Is the Risk of Falling as We Get Older?

In the U.S. at least one in every four adults experiences some sort of fall, trip, or slip annually. Of that quarter of adults, about 50% of them experienced their fall at home. Falling is attributed to two main causes: dizziness and unsteadiness when walking or standing up. These cases then are difficult to avoid entirely because of how commonplace the cause can be. Canes are needed both at home and when away.

Do All Canes Serve the Same Purpose?

While all assistive mobility devices, from walkers to umbrella canes, are meant to prevent slips and falls there are some key differences in types and materials. It might be best to consult a doctor before deciding on a device, as one person’s mobility issues can differ greatly from another’s. A person who has severe dizziness, is heavier in weight and taller in height, or who has very restricted mobility will need a heavy-duty assistive device. This may take the form of perhaps a quad-tip cane, which is one that has four points of contact with the ground.

A person who has arthritis in their wrists may prefer a bariatric cane, which is one with an ergonomic handle. A decorative walking cane, or an umbrella cane, might be preferred by an individual with mild mobility issues. An umbrella cane also has the benefit of multi-tasking, but it is recommended for very mild to mild mobility issues.

There is no shame is needing a cane or other assistive device. A predisposition towards dizziness, or a weak hip or knee should not keep anyone from going out into the world and having fun. If you are experiencing this problem, talk to your doctor about possible recommendations. Get properly fitted for a cane, as the right fit makes a difference in comfort and safety. Choose a cane that fits your lifestyle, mobility needs, and that makes you feel confident.

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