Your baby’s skin is delicate. They’ve just entered a brand new world and need all the support they can get to grow up healthy, happy and confident. This goes beyond giving them good food and surrounding them with positive entertainment and educational materials — this even extends to where they sleep. Newborns will sleep anywhere from 10 to 18 hours per day. This means their crib needs to be equipped with nothing less than the best to encourage a healthy sleep cycle and happy skin. If you’re wondering as to the benefits of baby sheet savers, you and your little one will dig the top five tips below.
Everyone Needs Some Good Sleep
Sleep is our body’s natural method of piecing us back together after a long and stressful day. This doesn’t just go for children, either! The majority of Americans in a recent sleep-related survey said just one extra hour of sleep per night was either ‘somewhat’ or ‘extremely’ valuable. Sadly, many Americans don’t get the amount of sleep they need to feel at their best. How can a waterproof fitted sheet single change this? Keep reading…
Take Care Of Your Baby’s Sensitive Skin
Why do you need a crib sheet protector? Because you need to keep your baby’s crib as clean and comfortable as possible. When 80% of American adults say they’re more excited to go to bed if their sheets are fresh and smelling good, you can imagine the same goes for babies who spend most of their days asleep! Babies can be exposed to sunlight by the time they’re six months old, but remember you should apply sunscreen with a minimum of SPF 30 all over to discourage painful sunburns or heat rashes.
Supplement Bath Time With A Little More
Babies need to be bathed regularly to encourage smooth skin and discourage illness. Doctors generally recommend babies are given two to three baths per week in warm — never hot! — water to feel good. A great baby bath should have no more than two to three inches of water. A recent randomized and controlled trial also saw that massaging premature infants with sunflower oil three times per day reduced sepsis by 40%. A waterproof fitted sheet single is like the cherry on the cake when it comes to your baby’s health.
Choose The Best Linen Bed Sheet
What kind of waterproof fitted sheet single, kids pillowcase or crib sheet protector should you get your crib? Thread count is the number of threads woven into each square inch of fabric. This number is generally based on the threads woven horizontally (called a ‘weft’) or vertically (called a ‘warp’). Most industry experts say weavers will say the maximum number of threads woven into each square inch is 500 to 600. A durable linen should be between 200 to 800.
Swath Your Baby In Comfort Every Day And Night
A baby crib protector makes it easier for your infant to sleep peacefully at night as well as makes it easier for parents to clean any accidents or spills. Lighter sheets usually have a 400 thread count sheet, while an 800 percale is both soft and very dense. Children will often wet the bed by the time they reach the age of five, so consider this good practice for the years to come — a fitted sheet protector will make beds more comfortable, easier to clean and way less stressful than going without.