Are You Caring for Your Parents? Here Are Three Advantages That Senior Living Could Have for Them and You


Seniors living independently

Are you caring for your parents or other relatives on your own as they age? While it is possible for some families to take care of their elderly relatives, not everyone has the time or the space for this addition to the family. Even letting a relative stay in an in-law apartment at home or making frequent visits to their own home can be a less than ideal situation for you and them. Even if no major health problems are present, seniors who aren’t around others their age may feel isolated and are sometimes at risk for depression.

However, today’s senior living options are about a lot more than giving seniors a room in a nursing facility. Senior independent living and assisted living homes give seniors the chance to choose how they want to spend their golden years. If caring for your parents just isn’t giving them (or you) what you need, here are some reasons you may want to consider the senior care options in your area:

    1. A sense of community: When seniors interact with other seniors, it can be good for their mental and physical health. Socializing can keep them sharp mentally and physically active when they participate in group outings and events right at their senior living home. Whether you and your loved ones choose an assisted living home or an independent community, your mom or dad can have the chance for more social interaction.

    2. Assistance with daily tasks: Research shows that as many as 40% of seniors in assisted living need help with three or more parts of their daily routines, such as dressing, bathing, eating, taking medicine, or even walking or using a mobility device. Even seniors who don’t need close attention can still benefit from a senior community. This could include perks like getting snow brushed from a car, getting driven to a medical appointment, or even having someone to help prepare food.

    3. Medical attention for those who need it: Finally, around 75% of seniors have at least two out of the ten most common health conditions among seniors. These conditions can include high blood pressure and diabetes, which need close monitoring, all the way to more serious diseases such as cancer and Alzheimer’s. If you are caring for your parents and they have at least one or two chronic conditions, senior care may be better for their health over the long term.

Have more questions about senior living? Be sure to take your parent or parents with you when you visit the local senior homes in your area. You will have the opportunity to ask questions when you meet the staff and residents of these homes. You can also leave a comment below with general inquiries or suggestions for others.

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