Since the average adult body is made up of 55-60% water and the brain is estimated to be 70% water, have access to clean drinking water is vital for long-term health. However, many Americans take for granted the fact that all they need to do when they are thirsty is grab a glass and turn on the faucet or head to the super market to grab a bottle. However, there are a number of different facts about drinking water that might make you want to think twice before taking a big gulp.
- Around the world, some 780 million people lack access to improved drinking water supplies. So while the vast majority of Americans don’t have to worry about where their next drink will come from or if it will be healthy, many in the world do.
- Every day, the typical American household uses more than 69 gallons of water. That adds up to some 346,000 million gallons total. There are plenty of different watersheds in the U.S., but that is still a massive volume of water.
- Roughly 480,000 children develop learning disabilities as a result of lead exposure every year. Unfortunately, at times, that can be attributed to old lead pipes that are used to transport water.
- One of the more troubling facts about drinking water is that, according to the All About Water Organization, there could be as many as 2,100 different contaminants in your drinking water at any given time.
- Most tap water that comes directly out of the faucet contains fluoride, which is a salt compound that can actually help prevent cavities. However, to much of it could cause a reduction in bone strength.
- Over 300,000 groundwater sites in the United States are contaminated and not fit for use. If people or animals drink from them, they will get sick.
- The majority of Americans get their water from public water systems. However, some 15% actually get their water from systems that aren’t subjected to governmental regulations.
With so many contaminants and problems with drinking water today, many consumers are turning to countertop water filters and other similar problems that ensure a safe, healthy drink every time. Plus, they are a more environmentally-friendly alternative to disposable water bottles that contribute to both land and water pollution. Installing them is a quick and simple way to stay hydrated without getting sick or harming the environment.